
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What I want Hillary to say tonight...

She should tell these lackluster Democrats to kick some Republican ass. After last nights speech, I care less about Michelle Obama's heartwarming love for husband (of course she loves him, she's giving up her life for his career) and more about which strategies we the people need to employ to get the vote out, get Democrats voting and Republicans switching sides. Oh yeah, and Hillary should suggest that everyone stop praying at the convention. And last but not least she has to explain to her dogmatic supporters not to vote for McCain, it makes no sense. Vote for change, not for spite.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear you! I thought Michelle's speech was nice, but it was all stuff I have heard before and I think they worked so hard to make a big deal of it. Giving a speech shouldn't be such a big deal if she is ready to be the new First Lady. She's going to be giving lots of speeches. And what was up with the cheesy public "phone call" to his fam from Barack? That's my view, and I am a supporter! They need to strengthen their game and Hillary is just the woman to crank it up a notch.

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