
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Summer Must Do's

Everson Days Parade Spectators

We are back home now after 48 action packed hours away. It's amazing how much you can pack into two days if you are like me and have totally committed yourself to the pursuit of fun and happiness. I know I have mentioned often and at great length what a horrendous summer I had last year. Many things converged at once and together with shitty weather and a mysterious sinus condition these "things" conspired to strip me of my summer happiness. But not this year. We have sailed, we have cottaged, we have swum in a variety of bodies of water, we have picnic-ed with friends, we have attended parades, we have barbequed, we have been burned by the sun and stung by mad bees. We have said good bye to old friends and hello to new babies. We have had a few too many margueritas and have fallen asleep in the movies. We have eaten Nutella sandwiches. All in all it's been consistently excellent. Next on the list is camping, a trip to the fair and another few days vending at the market. Ahh the paradise that is these 8 weeks of Washington summer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your post, and that photo pretty much sum up my own summer experience. If only we could all ride to events in a tented radio flyer - somebody pimped his ride! We went out to Lake Samish today and had a swim. It was so delicious. My skin is still cool and I think I will go nap now, while my boys do.

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