
Thursday, March 31, 2011

New SIte!

…and it's live. The website I have been working on for the past year or so is finally here. The plight of the Shoemaker's barefooted children is true. I spend way more time on client work than I do on my own promotional efforts but like most things I set my hand to, they do get done, eventually. It is with great pride that I launch my fourth website associated with my own company. One tip, it works more like a book than a website. Enjoy!


Little Girl::Big Glasses said...

Okay, wow. Just wow. I was about to go on about, "yeah, me too...that's why I never blog - because I'm too busy being creative for work and blogging and facebooking for work and I'm all outta fresh stuff..." And THEN, I went to your site and was all, "I SUCK." Really, your work is beautiful, and your site is fun, quirky and exactly the perfect way to showcase it. Nice job.

Rowan said...

Thanks LGBG. It took for freakin ever to complete and I was worried I might not like it when it was done but I do so that's a huge relief.

sydneypaige said...

Wowee zowee, it's gorgeous! And most of all, really creative and unique and lovely, quite like you. Totally dig it, nicely done you.

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