January 2015 selfie
In classic style I have missed making a big statement at the beginning of the year. Here it is a few weeks in and I have had some time to think about what I might attempt to achieve this year. And let's not forget things happen. I have come to expect this. Sometimes the thing is predicted or suspected, sometimes it's a complete surprise. Since I cannot control such happenings I am dedicated to making good use of change because it seems to be plentiful. Every change is an opportunity to work harder, try a new approach, change my mind, be happy.
I began 2014 thinking I might die shortly but it turns out I likely have a way to go on this earth. Realizing that, I have made a list for 2015:
Keep on going as I have been only more so
Go to the dentist
Keep thoughts organized through daily journaling
Do more cardio
Use the internet for more productive things than browsing social media
Swear less
3D print a pair of shoes
Write an artists statement
Plant an herb garden
Write 12 letters to 12 people about art making
Consider blurring the line between art and design
See more art/theater/film
Write a memoir
Make more clothes
Travel somewhere in a plane
Celebrate birthdays of friends and family with more gusto
Preserve food
Read more
Watch TV less
Embrace my mammalian existence
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